post: Quick Rotate

Headshot of Scott Lynch. Product Manager at OT Sketch.
Scott Lynch - July 24, 2023

Quick Rotate

Introducing Quick Rotation

Designing home modifications often requires precise adjustments to the orientation of various elements, such as bathroom fixtures, ramps, and steps.

We’re excited to introduce Quick Rotation: a new feature that enables Occupational Therapists (OTs) to swiftly rotate all models by 90 degrees.

Quick Rotation is a significant enhancement for OTs seeking to streamline their design adjustments in home modifications.

Streamlining Design Adjustments

OT Sketch’s new Quick Rotation feature assists OTs in streamlining their design adjustments by enabling quick 90-degree rotations of all models.

\With this feature, OTs can swiftly adjust the orientation of bathroom fixtures, ramps, steps, and more with a single click, saving time and enhancing the efficiency of the design process.

Flexibility in Design

The Quick Rotation feature is not just about speed and precision, it’s also about flexibility.

OTs still retain the ability to rotate models by 1-degree increments, providing the freedom to make minute adjustments as needed.

This means you have full control over the orientation of the models in your design, allowing for a more personalised and tailored approach to each home modification project.


Overall, OT Sketch’s new Quick Rotation feature is a significant enhancement for OTs who want to streamline their design adjustments, ensure precision, and improve client satisfaction.

With this feature, OTs can swiftly rotate all models by 90 degrees instantly, while still retaining the ability to make minute adjustments as needed.

If you’re an OT looking for an easy and efficient way to adjust the orientation of models in your home modification designs, OT Sketch’s new feature is definitely worth exploring.

Headshot of Scott Lynch. Product Manager at OT Sketch.
Author: Scott Lynch

Co-Founder & Product Manager. Scott is also the managing director of a multidisciplinary allied health company.


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